Selasa, 08 Juli 2008

How To Tell If A Guy Likes You - The Signs You Can Read by Graham Lavery
One thing should be clear from the start if you want to find out if a guy likes you: do not get obsessed about men you know you can never have. There is no need for that as long as there are so many men out there waiting for a special girl like you. Plus, stay away from those that can cause you suffering. By any means, avoid guys that only are interested in having sex with you, abusing and using you or that are simply mean and distrustful.If you stay away from this kind of men, you still have a lot of fish to catch. You meet someone and you simply know that you two like each other. Still, there is a little hesitation and you feel the need to find out, from solid proof, that he really likes you. Here are some suggestions that can help you bring a little light on the guy's behavior.Direct approach is not at all a bad thing, so go ahead and ask him. Does it sound too much for you? Do you fear rejection? Well, he can say no to you, that is for sure, but think a little. You will save a lot of time and you will not daydream without any guarantees that something will ever happen between you two. To keep away from any embarrassing situations, try to ask the right questions. If he says he does not like you, you may say the same thing and treat everything as a joke. Or, if you ask him if he likes you as a friend and the answer is affirmative, than you can also strengthen this supposition by saying that you also care for him as a friend. See? You get out of it elegantly and smoothly. But if he likes you and not as his friend, then you are on the right path.There are many signs from which you can tell he likes you. If he seems intimidated in your presence or if he looks at you more than what is socially accepted, then you will know. Also, you may notice he tries to gain your attention or that he is very shy when he talks to you. A guy that likes you laughs at your jokes, waits for you, teases you and listens carefully every little word coming from your mouth. There are all sorts of signs that can tell if he likes you. For instance, he may seem jealous when you talk to some other guy and you ignore him or his friends know your name and little things about you even if you never met them before. Your exchange of smiles is really sweet, well, this is a good sign, isn't it? A man that likes you will make a lot of things for you. He will care for you, he will act as your protector and he will even let you be mean to him.On the other hand, be aware of the players. This category of men are very shallow and you do not want to get involved with one of them. If you meet a man that seems too much comfortable when he is around you or he touches you even if you did not allow it, while flirting with other girls, you have to deal with a player. Be careful and refuse him, he only can mean trouble.Your heart can be the most important counselor when it comes to romance. So act accordingly and let things go the way they want to go. You will see how easy everything will be.

Graham Lavery is the Editor and Publisher of Article Click. For more FREE articles for your ezine and websites visit -
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